Your one-stop commercial and nonprofit funding marketplace for ERTC advances, 0% business/startup funding, SBA and asset-based loans, revolving lines of credit, and more

Our anti-broker technology creates "reverse auctions" between dozens of banks, alternative lenders, and investment institutions to automatically shop around the best possible rates for your company from our all-in-one commercial finance marketplace.

Since 2008, our team has FUNDED clients with well over $500 million in financing and SAVED them more than $1 billion on their operating expenses... 🚀

Since 2008, our team has provided clients with well over $750 million in funding and SAVED them more than $1 billion on their operating expenses... 🚀

Need capital asap? Get up to $25k deposited in your bank account TODAY (or within 24 hours), soft credit check as long as your FICO is at least 450+, all done online and with instant approval? (Ask us how)?

"Results are literally guaranteed and it won't cost you anything out of pocket."

Only 4 Simple Steps To Recovering Lost Profits & Creating More Impact In Your Community: 🤝

1. Data Gathering 🖥️ 📊

We only need 5-10 minutes with your finance person to generate an annual spend report and collect a few invoices for the expenses you'd like to have reduced.

2. Calculate Recovery 🧮

We use proprietary data our team has gathered from over 25,000+ audits and $1B+ in aggregate savings to find discrepancies & uncover hidden profits for you.

3. Deploy Savings 🛩️💰

Once you approve the savings opportunities we find, we'll do all of the work to lower your bills. You can keep the same vendors and the costs will be less.

4. Costs 📉↓ Impact 📈↑

From our portion of the shared savings, we put 5% into an impact fund to be directed by you (and in your name) to benefit any local cause(s) you support.

5. [Bonus/Optional] Employee Rewards 🙌

What kind of funding do you need? 🤔

Questions? Call/Text: (844) 219-2559 Email:

  • SBA 7(A) & 504 Financing

  • Business Lines of Credit

  • Business & Personal Term Loans

  • Accounts Receivable Factoring

  • Unsecured Business Loans

  • Merchant/Revenue Cash Advances

  • Equipment Financing

  • Startup Business Financing

  • Franchise & Business Acquisitions

  • Commercial Asset-Based Lending

  • 0% Business Credit Cards

  • 0% Personal Credit Cards

  • Self-Employed Mortgages for RE

  • Merchant Processing Discounts

  • Crypto Solutions & Credit Repair

We have a funding expert & specialist on our team for every type of commercial loan & business service: 🤓

For example, virtually every small business owner gets bombarded by merchant processing companies... So we spent 10+ years vetting hundreds of them until we found the most effective one. Our expert has 30+ years of experience working with the most reputable companies in the industry, and he literally guarantees he'll save you money or he'll pay YOU $500 for your time.

Ready to get more funding or save more money?

👋 Recent Success Stories & Case Studies👇

Freddy Erickson

CEO, Building Supply Company, Beltsville, MD

Telecommunications – Wireless:

After not getting anywhere with our wireless provider we hired them to review our services. Their team was able to get us brand new phones and laptop cards without cost and also reduced our monthly expense by 48% and we did not have to change providers. He also made sure the new devices were delivered and activated, collected our old devices and got us rebates for those as well. His monthly reports are terrific as it shows us the exact savings.

Kelly Sweft

VP, Property Management, Libertyville, IL

Utilities & Energy Consumption:

They were able to reduce our energy supply costs by 18%. When you consume over 1 million megawatts annually that is significant savings that we were able to pass on to our tenants. We have renewed our rate a second time now and he was able to keep the increase to only 2% even though the supply markets are substantially higher than they were 3 years ago.

Tom Nguyen

Commercial Building Owner, McLean, VA

Waste Management & Recycling:

They reviewed our contract and found that we were paying 50% more than other providers charge for the identical services. When you approached our current provider they told you that they would not renegotiate the contract and it is “buyer beware.” Really, they have been servicing our building for 15 years and that was their reply. We terminated our agreement with them, paid the termination fee and will still save 41% over the next three years with our new vendor.

Jamie Shriner

CEO, Robotics, East Peoria, IL

Federal Tax Credits:

We were referred to them through an adviser we are using. When they reviewed our expenses he noticed we had not claimed any R&D Tax Credits. We are not sure why our existing CPA never suggested we file for those credits. Their R&D Tax Credit team found we did qualify and also provided the forms necessary to to amend our past three years returns to recover the overpaid taxes. In addition, he and his team will also support us should the IRS have any inquiries in regards to our amended return for no additional fee.

Ellen Allbright

CFO, Country Club, Arlington, VA

HR & Payroll Management:

They reviewed our Payroll and HR services and showed us how combining them to a single provider would be helpful in reducing redundancies and provide a cost savings as well. He brought in 3 providers for us to interview to determine the best fit for us. He and his team negotiated the services and pricing and cut our costs by 42% over our current provider. It has been six months since the change and we could not be happier. Our onboarding, time and attendance and employee information is all located on one platform. The transition to the new provider was almost seamless. They provided the training and a team dedicated to making sure our transition was successful. Not sure if we could have made this decision and completed the implementation on our own.

Terry Rodriguez

Office Manager, Law Firm, Seattle WA

Information Technology:

On a monthly basis we got bills for IT services and had no clue if we were really receiving the services that were invoiced. We were referred to them and they reviewed our situation. They suggested we interview two new providers and also include our existing provider whom we liked. They suggested we do a RFP and require the provider be a fixed-price billing model. We no longer worry about unforeseen issues such as malware infections and software upgrades triggering outrageous bills. The fixed-price billing model is a blessing.

Florri Beckley

CEO, Cleaning Connection, Potomac, MD

Cleaning Services & Supplies:

Words cannot express my gratitude to you for all the help you were to me during the sale of my business. First reviewing all of my expenses and getting them to where they should be was amazing. There is not a category that you could not handle. I could not have accomplished this without your business knowledge, your support, and your “know how!” I thank you and your team so very much and I hope to be able to work again with you in the future.

Gene Refant

CFO, Medical Practice, Washington, DC

Office Supplies:

We hired them to review multiple expense categories. We had negotiated new pricing for all of our offices 12 months earlier saving 20% with a major office supply company. They reviewed what we were buying and I was shocked to learn they would save us an additional 18%. We are six months in and they have delivered and the reports they provide are invaluable. Additionally, they set up a list of the most commonly purchased supplies which all office managers purchase from daily. They can still purchase off that list, but needs management approval. This has eliminated a lot of the rogue purchasing that used to occur.


CEO, Multi Office Law Firm, US

Software Licensing Services:

We have a lot of software solutions that we use in our firm. More importantly, we had no idea which users were actually using the different solutions we pay for every month. They showed us a solution that discovers all your SaaS subscriptions and identifies any unused, underused or abandoned licenses. Once installed, we were able to discover, manage and optimize our firm’s SaaS subscriptions and licenses to reduce “shadow SaaS,” manage renewals, reduce our spend and secure user accounts. Our IT department insisted doing this it was a waste of money; however, the ROI was 5 months and the management of this is now under control.

Barry Milton

CFO, Dental Practice, Milwaukee, WI

Bank & Credit Line Fees:

When we hired you and told you under no circumstances were we changing our banking relationship you said, “that was fine.” I was truly surprised because I thought the only way we would save money was to change banking institutions. When you reviewed our fees and provided your analysis showing us we were over paying by $32,000 in the last year I was flabbergasted. Our banker had told us that this is the best he could do. I approached him after our meeting and they offered to reduce our fees by $9,000. When I reported back to you the bank's proposal and they argued that our assessment was not correct, you then provided us with the information to show them that they were not charging the market rates for the relationship like we had with them. Armed with that data, they reduced our fees that provided savings to almost $30,000 per year. Still surprised but could not have accomplished this without your assistance.

Patrick Alonso

Executive Director, Non-Profit, Washington

Merchant Fees:

As a non-profit, every dollar in costs takes from the services we are able to provide in fulfilling our mission. When we hired you, we were skeptical that you would find any savings as we had recently switched to a new provider because they were providing a 20% savings above the previous merchant processing company. Because we had just made a change I had told you I was reluctant to make a change as it is so disruptive. Your analysis found that we were not on the correct code for the payment types we were receiving. I was shocked as we just changed providers 6 months earlier and could not believe that two different companies in this business missed that. I believe it was because when you interviewed us, we answered questions that had never been asked by any providers in the past. This classification change is providing over $100,000 in savings per year that we no longer need to fundraise for. Thank you so much, what a valuable service you provide and are looking forward to see what else you can find.

John Skalla,

CEO, First Benefits, Chicago, IL

Equipment Purchasing/Leasing:

We were in the process of reviewing our leased print solution. I called them to do an analysis to see if this was a great deal we were getting. Once the audit was completed and our usage was determined, Marc examined the proposal from our existing vendor for the release of their existing equipment. The total payments for the current lease and print services was $14,567 and there would be a fair market value purchase at the end that was just less than $2,500. The new proposal from their existing vendor was for a $1 buy-out lease for the existing equipment costing them $18,371 over the next 36-months. Because the client valued the existing vendor relationship we first approached them to discuss their proposal and to understand the pricing. Keeping in mind that this was for existing equipment that was almost 36 months old. After a discussion with the client, it was determined that we should go to the market for some competitive pricing for new replacement equipment. We were able to secure new equipment from a different vendor providing the same functions, full installation and network configuration, print services and quality imprint solutions for $14,220 for a 36-month $1 buy-out lease. In addition, the new vendor agreed to buy-out the remaining portion of the existing lease and return the equipment to the leasing company. This also allowed the client to also take advantage of the Section 179 deduction in year 2013. Additionally, the maintenance and consumables for over usage were priced less than the proposal from the existing vendor. If the usage is similar, we will save an additional $6,012 new lease to own solution.

Miranda Shriefer

HR Director, Biotech Company, Rockville, MD

Insurance – Health:

After they were successful in other expense areas we discussed doing a Health Insurance benefits review. We had just received our annual renewal and were surprised that costs were only going to be 2.5% higher. They contacted our current provider and actually secured a reduction of 7% from the prior year. While they were negotiating with our current carrier they surveyed the market place for additional providers we might want to consider. Their analysis provided additional savings of 10% (total 22.5% from original renewal offer) and a better plan for our company. More surprising is this was done while keeping all deductibles and annual limits the same and providing more benefits. Our employees and their families thank you!

Steve Berretti

President, Janitorial Co, Washington DC

Insurance – Worker’s Comp:

Their team reviewed our workers compensation insurance policy. When they asked if we had ever done a claims audit, I replied, “I was not sure but we monitor our claims monthly and our agent takes care of that for us”. After they received our claims history they found 8 claims that were not closed properly and two that were never closed. When they went back to our carrier and reviewed each claim they were able to get all of the claims corrected and closed properly. I was not aware that if you have been overcharged premiums you need to request a refund or the carrier can keep those overpaid premiums. In addition to getting back over $100,000 in overpaid premiums, our MOD rate was reduced causing a lower renewal rate for the current year. Thank you, what a valuable service.

Laura Greene

CEO, Multi-Discipline Medical Group, Rye, NY

Medical/Laboratory Supplies:

We hired them as they suggested they could find savings even though we were currently purchasing thru a GPO. I was sure that we had best pricing as our procurement group is very diligent in negotiating our purchases. While the process took a bit longer than they originally thought as it was a complex RFP process, the results were worth the wait. They found savings of over $650,000 for us that we can now deploy elsewhere. Most importantly, they provide us a monthly report that shows each item purchased vs the baseline that was originally created showing we are in fact receiving the savings.

Jason Weisenthal

CEO, Wallmonkeys, Gaithersburg, MD

Real Estate Lease:

Marc helped Wallmonkeys find new office space after a deal had just fallen through at the last minute. I was pressed for time and very stressed when Marc jumped in and presented a handful of properties to visit within 24 hours. Marc was a welcome face at every location we visited and known by every leasing manager. We found the perfect location and had the smoothest negotiation possible. Every email, phone call, and text message to Marc was replied to in record time. I would not have found our new location without Marc’s help. He is a professional in every sense: Responsive, respected in his industry, and an absolute pleasure to work with.

Rodney Rickards

Managing Partner, Consulting Group, DC

Retirement Benefit Plans:

Our relationship with them is a true partnership. They have introduced us to solution providers that truly think “outside the box.” As a smaller consulting practice it is always difficult to compete with your larger competitors. Marc and his team have found ways to make that a reality. We are now able to afford to offer benefits that are almost identical to our larger competitors. The monthly reports provided always have new insights into additional solutions we should consider. We thank you as does our entire team of employees and their families.

Alison Jones

CFO, Vanilla Manufacturer, Waukegan, IL

Shipping and Logistics:

When we interviewed their team we were certain they would not be able to help as we went to the market daily to get best pricing for our shipments. We spent over 5 hours daily calling our menu of up to 15 companies. Once they finished their review they determined we could cut that list of 15 to 4 or 5 trucking companies. They created a matrix based on shipping lanes of who to use and automated the process. We were able to redeploy that employee to a different part of the company where he could be more useful. The end result is we are saving 27% over prior years which is almost $350,000 annually. With the cost of Vanilla beans doubling in the past year this helps with cash flow.

About the CEO: Nick Apollo

Average CEO | Mediocre Author | Unsophisticated Investor | Industry Thought Needer | Awkward Public Speaker & Podcaster

Over the past few decades, I discovered the only thing I'm actually kinda good at is finding and hiring people who are far more talented than me...

Eventually, we assembled a holistic team & 'virtual family office' of 173 embarrassingly expensive (but ROI effective) B2B services & solutions.

To keep it simple, we really only do two things:

→ Make you more money (with guaranteed ROI)

→ Save you more money (with zero risk to try)

So for the sake of transparency, here’s our entire business model...

Read Nick's full bio on Linkedin:⤵︎

Allies International

Personal endorsement from Kevin Harrington (from SharkTank):

Nick (& Haley) Apollo

Founder & "Average Entrepreneur"

Nick & Haley built and sold three companies prior to assembling the Allies Family Office. Now they focus on networking and partnering with other investors & business owners.

Lindsay Larson

Operations Director & Chief Integrator

Lindsay is the glue that holds everything together at Allies. She creates, refines and aligns all of our systems and team communication with unrelenting comedic timing.

Marc Freedman

Advisor & Finance Director

Marc is a financial engineer who leverages proprietary datasets to build custom solutions that recover previously lost profits & EBITDA. (With guaranteed results).


Advisor & Marketing Director

Damien is one of the most accomplished marketers in the world and is always on the cutting edge of new martech platforms and advertising channels.

Yanik Silver

Advisor & Author of Evolved Enterprise

Yanik is well-known speaker, marketer, copywriter, leader of the mastermind group Maverick 1000, and author of "Evolved Enterprise" that combines business & impact.

Trevor Blake

Advisor & 9 Figure Entrepreneur

Trevor has built and sold 3 companies for a combined EV of over $600M+, and currently runs multiple businesses from home with only a 5 hour workday.

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Material Disclosure. We are an advertising referral service to qualified participating lenders that may be able to provide referrals to lenders, credit repair companies, banks and trusted partners. Not all lenders can provide amounts advertised and there is no guarantee that you will be accepted by a lender. We do not control and are not responsible for the actions of any lender. We do not have access to the full terms of your loan, including APR. For details, questions or concerns regarding your loan please contact your lender directly. The registration information submitted by you on this website will be shared with one or more participating partners. You are under no obligation to use our service to initiate contact with a lender, register for credit or any other products, or accept an agreement from any partner if you do not want to. Cash transfer times and repayment terms vary between lenders. Repayment terms may be regulated by state and local laws. Some faxing may be required. Be sure to review our FAQs for additional information on issues such as credit and late payment implications. These disclosures are provided to you for information purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. Use of this service is subject to this site’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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